samedi 29 août 2009

Quelques photos du travail

Le Chantier

Chantier Solidaire à Montguyon

Jusqu'au 2 août, une douzaine de jeunes sont à Montguyon dans le cadre des chantiers internationaux. Ils viennent de différents pays. Afin de les accueillir dans de bonnes conditions, une réception avait lieu jeudi dernier. Organisée en soirée, elle regroupait les élus, les associations et bien entendu tous ceux qui leur apportent des aides diverses.

Autour du président, Yvan Vergne, le groupe des jeunes internationaux. (Photo Line Mimaud)

Le président, responsable Poitou-Charentes, Yvan Vergne, présentait l'animatrice du groupe, une jeune Allemande, Béatrice Scheu, qui parle parfaitement le français. Il présentait également Jérôme Farges, coordinateur des chantiers et Benoît Fauchereau qui encadre, conseille et suit les opérations. M. Vergne a ensuite remercié la commune de Montguyon et plus particulièrement M. Nuvet qui localement s'est chargé de l'organisation. Deux groupes seront présents cette année : un actuellement, et l'autre du 2 au 23 août. Ces jeunes payent leur voyage, mais sur les chantiers, ils sont pris en charge par les collectivités et Solidarité Jeunesse.

Tout le monde peut y participer

Le maire a remercié Solidarité Jeunesse d'avoir choisi Montguyon. « J'espère que les jeunes de Montguyon viendront rencontrer les travailleurs », a t-il ajouté. Après la cérémonie d'usage, une visite avait lieu sur le chantier où sont effectués les travaux : le mur du presbytère sera décrépi, les pierres seront déjointées puis rejointées au mortier de chaux pour embellir l'aspect extérieur du bâtiment.
La population est invitée à participer à ces travaux avec les jeunes, il suffit de se rendre au presbytère chaque matin.

Les participants : Jung Sung hee Coréenne, 21 ans ; Yeom Hyejeong, Coréenne 21 ans ; Sensoz Tugba, Turque 20 ans ; Hasdemir Méral, Turque, 20 ans ; Elagina Nelli, Russe, 22 ans ; Vyskovsky Roman, Tchèque 18 ans ; Dvornyk Volodymyr, Ukrainien, 22 ans ; Gayazov Marsel, Russe, 18 ans ; Traspaderne Raquel, Espagnole, 19 ans ; Parejo Javier, Espagnol, 19 ans ; Ersever Tugçe, Turque, 24 ans. L'encadrant technique Benoit Fauchereau, Français et l'animatrice, Béatrice Scheu, Allemande.

vendredi 3 juillet 2009

11/07 – 02/08/2009

Solidarités Jeunesses is an organisation that works for non-formal education. It runs a number of small community centres in rural environments and organises short and long-term international workcamps, social integration projects, training programmes and actions for international solidarity.

A voluntary service is an act of mutual exchange between a person or a group who offer time, work and energy to a general interest project in a host community who in return offer the volunteers an opportunity to learn, to experiment and to achieve personal and collective construction.
A workcamp for young international volunteers gathers together 10 to 15 people from different nationalities. Together you will organise your everyday life according to the local possibilities and to the goals set to achieve. The work is open to everyone and it doesn't require any specific skills or expertise. For the project to go go smoothly from the beginning to the end, the participants will need to be motivated and reliable. The time devoted to work is about 30 hours a week. During the workcamp we promote exchange, encounter and the achievement of a useful action which is part of a local project.

The municipality of Montguyon has a rich history. This village wishes to host an international workcamp for the second time to renovate the presbytery. This place situated one kilometer from the heart of the village is an ancient presbytery.
Municipality had the idea “to be live again” this building.

THE TEAM: There will be approximately 12 volunteers in the group and one or two camp-leaders who will help to organize the everyday life with the group. The team will manage a budget for food and everyone will cook in turn. Please don't forget to bring recipes from your country! The languages used on the workcamp are usually English and French.

Technical objectives:
For this workcamp, work will consist in the restoration of the masonries of “Le Presbytère”. The principle activities will be:
to rebuild the damaged parts in stone of the wall with stones and lime mortar and do again the joint with lime mortar.

Inter-cultural objectives:
Organize some inter-culturals events like “an international meal”, games with children and their families...

LEISURE TIME: The group, with the inhabitants, will organise its own free-time. In the Charente-Maritime region there is a beautiful historical and culinary heritage to discover. There are no vehicles on this workcamp.

ACCOMODATION: community rooms will be at your disposal (sleeping, cooking, meals, washroom). It is situated on your working place.
Don't forget your sleeping bag !

Solidarités Jeunesses insures you in « civil responsibility » (third-party insurance) and accidents, but it is up to you to have a health insurance. Volunteers from the European Union have to bring their E111 form and the other volunteers must have their own health insurance. Think to update your vaccinations.

Sleeping bag
Rain clothes
Good shoes (or boots) and clothes adapted to work
... and music instruments, games and other typical things from your country...


Chantier international de jeunes volontaires
(International WorkCamp)
1 Place de la Mairie

In case of emergency, call: Jérôme FARGES (workcamp responsible) (+33) 6 30 80 27 72


Association Solidarités Jeunesses Poitou-Charentes
« la Maison des Bateleurs »
4 avenue de Onda, 17130 Montendre

Phone +33 5 46 49 08 34

On Saturday July 11th, we will meet at MONTENDRE's train station at 07:30 PM.

Please try to be on time if you want us to pick you up. Otherwise, you can go directly by yourself to MONTGUYON's town hall and ask people of the municipality.


BY TRAIN : you must arrive directly in MONTENDRE's TRAIN STATION.

For example:

from PARIS Montparnasse 02:40 PM
by BORDEAUX 05:38 PM – 06:18 PM

Small village of 1450 inhabitants, situated at the meeting of the departments of Charente, Dordogne, Gironde and south of the Charente Maritime. A 30 km from the grands crus of Saint-Emilion and 60 km from Bordeaux and 100km from the Atlantic Ocean.

SOLIDARITES JEUNESSES is a voluntary service organization, the French branch of the international movement Youth Action for Peace (YAP). Founded in 1923, after the first World War, by French and German protestants. YAP was from its origins a movement of secular people who were convinced of the necessity to go beyond the national, sectarian and cultural borders to work for peace. Thanks to a network of local associations, Solidarités Jeunesses developed an action towards and with young people. Workcamps are places for multicultural and inter-generational exchanges and active solidarity.

Member of the movement SOLIDARITES JEUNESSES, Solidarités Jeunesses Poitou-Charentes organizes about fifteen international workcamps in the region during the summer season along with other international and local development activities during the whole year. The “Maison des Bateleurs” is a hosting centre that co-ordinates the workcamps and it has been working in the village of Montendre for 14 years.

!! Come and join us !!